A brief list of indispensable books

 A brief list of indispensable books



Cryptonomicon. Neal Stephenson. 1999. Random House. London, UK. 

Red Mars. Kim Stanley Robinson. 1993. Bantam Books. New York, US

Green Mars. Kim Stanley Robinson. 1993. Bantam Books. New York, US

Blue Mars. Kim Stanley Robinson. 1993. Bantam Books. New York, US

Neuromancer. William Gibson. 1984. Grafton. London, UK. 

Los hijos del Grial (trad. cast.). Peter Berling. 1996. Plaza&Janes. Barcelona, Espanya.

El capitan Alatriste. Arturo Perez-Reverte. 1996. Alfaguara. Madrid, Espanya

Els amos del mon. Emili Rosales. 1997. Columna. Barcelona, Espanya.

The World According to Garp. John Irving. 1976.Black Swan Books. London, UK

Léon l'Africain Amin Maalouf. 1986. Livre de Poche, France

Forty Signs of Rain Kim Stanley Robinson. 2004. Bantam Books. New York, US

The Illiad Homer. Penguin Classics. London


For the President's Eyes Only. Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush. Christopher Andrew. 1996. HarperCollins. London, UK

Las cruzadas vistas por los árabes (trad. cast.). Amin Maalouf. 1996 Altaya. Barcelona, Espanya

Las edades de Gaia (trad. cast.). James Lovelock. 1993. Tusquets. Barcelona, Espanya.

L'home sense cara (trad. cat.). Marcus Wolf. 1999 Quaderns Crema. Barcelona, Espanya.

The skeptical enviromentalist Bjørn Lomborg. 2001. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK

Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another Philip Ball. 2005. Arrow. UK.

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive Jared Diamond. 2006. Penguin Books. UK

1421, The year China discovered the world Gavin Menzies. 2003. Nantam Books. London, UK

The Middle Sea John Julius Norwich. 2007. Vintage Books. London, UK


Last Revised: March 10th, 2008.