The Fnord Program Copyright 1997-1999 by Steve Jackson Games. All Rights Reserved. Java code by William Kida April 14, 2001 Contents: fnorder.html carpediem (directory) fnorder.class readme.txt INSTALLATION The fnorder.class file must be in a package (directory) called 'carpediem'. See the fnorder.html file for how to insert it into a webpage. APPLET PARAMETERS, AND DEFAULT VALUES All parameters are integers. MessageHeight: the size of the font. MessageForgroundColor: the forground color of the font. MessageBackgroundColor: the color of the applet background. MessageRefreshRate: the number of milliseconds before a new string is generated. To see the applet in action, visit, or double-click on the fnorder.html file included in this zip file. LICENCE Modify and use the code as you wish for personal use, but you may not sell it or upload it to any ftp site, and any distribution must include everything in this zip file. CREDITS William Kida , based on C code written by Ian Gordon .